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Hello, World!

Hey there!

(If you just said "General Kenobi!" in your head, you're my kind of crowd!)

My name is Adrian Bourdy. I write science fiction, mostly space opera.

I am also the father of two boys, and the husband of my soulmate I had the chance to meet early in my life.

You may have noticed this website is not your usual author website. It's a wiki. (In fact it's even using MediaWiki, the framework for Wikipedia.)

This means you'll find here multiple pages on parts of the worlds I have created. Such as the Haruspic Sphere, for instance. In these pages, potential spoilers are displayed in dedicated, foldable sections. So you may travel safely around this wiki.

If you want to be notified of future releases, price promotions and receive the occasional bonus chapter, please tell me by clicking here

I hope you find what you're looking for,



Where am I on current projects?

Title Type Status Buy Link Cover
THE REDEMPTRESS Book one of THE SPHERE duology Published! Buy The Redemptress here. THE REDEMPTRESS cover.jpg
THE RUNAWAYS Standalone novella in the universe of THE SPHERE Published! Buy The Runaways here. The Runaways cover.jpg

(working title)

Book two of THE SPHERE DUOLOGY 15% writing done Expected Summer 2026

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